Supports hotels with professional voice and email management during occasional spikes and off-shift hours.
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Discover our services and technology tools, which will help you manage complex customer behavior and drive effective pricing, sales, M&E, reservation and web strategies to maximize revenue.
Discover our 4 different models, designed and created to support hotels depending on their specific needs. Pick yours!
Supports hotels with professional voice and email management during occasional spikes and off-shift hours.
Available in three languages, the sharper package offers a full solution for hotels: handling overcalls during peak periods, converting requests into bookings, and handling e-mail inquiries during business hours.
Ideal for hotels with many facilities and information calls. Remove distraction from your operational teams and let us handle call conversation, email-booking inquiries and information calls for you.
Ideal for hotels with static bookings or rooming lists to enter daily and manually in the PMS. We take care of your reservation enquiries and make sure all is entered correctly in your PMS for individual booking and rooming list!
Together we can define what success means for you and what model we recommend
We send you a dedicated tailor-made offer
We introduce you to your dedicated support team and we start optimizing!
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