With green and picturesque surroundings, Tallinn is a breath of fresh air for your group. The city is simply charming with narrow streets in the UNESCO-listed Old Town, beautiful churches and so many quirky, unique places. You will be in the heart of everything, within walking distance of all the attractions. The Radisson Blu Olumpia Hotel, Tallinn is an inspiring option to host your meetings and conferences. Take a closer look at our suggestions for unique things to do in Tallinn:
Pakume professionaalsetele spordimeeskondadele ja -klubidele asjatundlikke lahendusi oma programmi Sports Approved kaudu, mille on heaks kiitnud i.s.t.a.a (International Sports Travel Agencies Association). Kaasaegsete rajatiste ja kõrgelt koolitatud hotellitöötajatega, kes on pühendunud teie meeskonna nõuetele, tagame keskkonna, mis on keskendunud mugavusele, tervisele, heaolule ja turvalisusele.
i.s.t.a.a. on ülemaailmne ühendus, mis koondab spetsialiseeritud agentuure ja organisatsioone, mis tegutsevad spordireiside valdkonnas.
In the esports industry, you need a partner that understands the unique demands of competitive gaming and offers curated, immersive experiences to keep your team focused and inspired—discover Esports Ready by Radisson.
Our dedicated service, advanced connectivity, and tailored amenities make us the ideal choice for esports teams. Developed in partnership with Spacefwd, our Esports Ready program sets the standard for excellence in esports hospitality.